1 WEEK CHECKUP - MONDAY 20/10/08 am

Ooh Hello.
Its Monday morning. Monday the 20th.
Exactly 1 week since the operation and i had my 2nd check up with Mr Anderson today... well i suppose its the 3rd because i had the one on the day after the operation, but hey, whos counting!!
Erm..... Its all good news! Again. Which is good.
He is very happy with how it has continued to heal. The surface of my eye he thinks is healing nicely, its a lot.... its a smoother surface than it was before, erm... and i managed to read the first 2 lines of the chart unaided in my left eye!!!!! And i managed to read the 3rd line when i put the pinhole glasses on, erm... Very only just mind, i moved my head around and managed to make the letters out with the pinhole on.
But never the less i'm on the 2nd line.... within a week which is absolutely brilliant um.. I'm well pleased!
Everything else is good, we are just packing up to go back home to London, its sad to leave here but i am really looking forward to getting back to my own house, my own bed.... (anna gives a nasty look) Sorry, our own house, our own bed!
Oh, i have been given some minor scolding from Anna, sorry from Dr anderson via Anna, She brought it up in the checkup, that i certainly am not allowed to be walking up 2 steps at a time. stuff like that. and that, well he has basicly just said that er.. the initial healing period is the 1st 8 weeks so, its good because it gives me a timeframe in which i need to make sure that i am really carefull for at least the next 7 weeks from now.
My next appointment is booked for 2 weeks time, so will see Dr Anderson in 2 weeks and hopefully it will have got a lot better by then. It just so happens to coincide with the 1st day i am due back at work, Never mind!
Ok. speak again soon


Hello (Tom) Hello (Anna)
Anna thinks i have a wierd bump in my eye, and it's worrying me. Anna's been away for 2 and a half days doing my opera, has come back and tom is not taking it as easy as he should be i dont think?!I think i was taking it easy but, you know it's all relative. Hmmm! So I don't know.....
We are goimng to see Mr Anderson tomorrow morning so, we will have him look at the eye! I'm pretty sure it's ok, I can see better out of it than i have been able to. Not that its the defining factor really! If the edge is bulging out as you say then god knows? There is like some small bubbles around the rim of where the donor cornea is. Maybe it's just scar tissue? Are you supposed to be having any of that? Well it's gonna have to knit together somehow isnt it! Hmmm. Its not just.... I'm sure its fine, its probably not a big problem, it certainly wasn't there when i left you on friday! Ok.
Anyway... So i put his eye shield back on him.... She's Back!! (Laughs (thank god!))
Now i'm gonna tidy up the room. I love it. (Laughs) Ah i'm so much happier with her here it..sort of.. She calmly whips me into shape!..... And i listen to her. Cos i'v promised that i would! You do, you are doing good! Thank you. As long as i'm here to listen to. If im not here you take liberties! I think maybe you are right. I'v not been too bad. I think you've been bored too, bored out of your brain. Out of my brain (sung badly)
Right anything else you want to say to the memo?
Yep......Errrr......Errmmm.............. I havn't had a cup of tea today so; Anna, can i have a cup of tea please? Yes ok, i will make you a cup of tea, i want one as well!
Thats it, oh i spoke to everyone, i'm not sure i said this on yesterdays memo, but i spoke to lots of people on the phone to let them know i was doing ok and it was quite nice chatting to everyone and loads of the guys in london said for me to call back when i'm in london, and they will come and pop round. so i said that will be cool, we can play some cards and stuff and then i suddenly thought, i dont really know how that is going to work, i will have to ask them what cards i have which kinda defeats the point!
You should say that this is the 6th day since the operation. Yeah and i am picking at the stuff. Stop picking! The sticky stuff left on my face from the patch tape!
Yarp! Yarp!
Bye! Byebye!

DAY 5 - SATURDAY 18/10/08

Hey. Its Saturday morning and my eye is hurting more than it has done yesterday and its... i'm feeling that it was a bit due to the extra activity last night, just kinda being downstairs and not resting and relaxing quite as much as i probably should have been doing.
I feel a bit under the weather today and a bit down but then whehay whats new!
Its really cool (My brother in law) Ben's just gone to get my prescription, finally sorted it all out and with 2 months supply, just in time as i nearly ran out, for a Princely, no Kingly, no Sultanly sum of £180, which is kinda ridiculous!
Its like an imense amount of money for eye drops, i had no idea that it was gonna be quite that much. I thought it was going to be the standard price per prescription or per item, not per molecule. I assumed that is would be about £30 at most.
Its a ridiculous amount of money, but then again... It's got to be done, what price do i put on my eyesight?
I could have gone with the Preservative option but that is supposed to be not as good for your eye and ......... Oh god, i have got Chloramphenicol dribbling from my eye into the back of my nose and it tastes really discusting and bitter. Eugghhh its horrible!
Yeah the preservative is supposed to be a kind of toxin, so its better for me to not be putting that toxin into my newly transplanted cornea. In the scheme of things £180 is nothing... If it makes the difference in my eye healing better or not! So there we go, its got to be done!
Just had a gorgeous brekky, mum brought me up a full english and some tea, i'm feeling a bit better about spending the weekend here and having to not do stuff. Its a gorgeous day outside and i just.... i dunno..... I'm looking forward to when i can enjoy it!
One day, one day soon.
Cool . Probably speak again later today.

FRIDAY DAY 4 - 17/10/08 pm

Hi, um, its Friday, day 4 in the evening.
Things have been slightly better today. I think that the photo i took earlier (shown above) looks less bloodshot. And i woke up this morning and um.. my eye wasn't stuck together at all, there was a few little bits of gunk i had to take out of my eyelashes and some yellow staining from the apointment last night, but overall it was kinda fine, i was able to open my eyes, it wasn't dry erm.. it was good Throughout the day today the top right hand corner of my eye that has been absolutely almost unbearably painful, has been feeling a little better for the first time since the operation. It's um...Yeah i can still fell its kinda there but it doesnt hurt as much to open and close my eyes anymore. Its not such a sharp pain, its more of a dull pain now. and i can feel it kinda right deep in my eyesocket now, there is a sort of fairly dull, almost bruised pain. All in all it feels like its getting better. I think my vision is slightly better today than it was yesterday, which is nice. I was able to see the numbers on the TV, showing the score on Mastermind. Most of the day i have spent relaxing in bed and then this evening i went downstairs and spent some time sat in the living room with mum and dad and nan. It was too much for me, it was really difficuld because erm... like... Anna has been making sure that i don't do anything and just rest, mum and dad havn't been so strict, like i started doing a bit more than i probably should like bending down to look for my eyepatch when it fell off the sofa and lifting things. It started to make my eye hurt and erm... yeah, it feels quite nasty to say but i feel like thay are taking that i have gone through a tissue transplant fairly lightly. I have to be uber-careful and not do anything and er.. i feel bad for asking them to do stuff for me, i need to get that out of my head really cos i shouldn't, but thats what i'm feeling like. I kinda feel like i have to be very self sustainable here, but i cant as that will be bad for my healing especially as its only the 1st week. I did too much of that this evening, that was my mistake and i'm paying for it now with a bit of a painful eye. I need to calm down and relax.
Anyway, its not long before i have to take that last drop of the day, finally have my medication all sorted, it's been a nightmare trying to get a prescription for more than a days worth, finally got one for 2 months supply. Hopefully mum or dad will get that for me tomorrow. Thats it for today Speak to you again tomorrow

DAY 3 FOLLOW UP - THURSDAY 16/10/08 pm

Hello, Its thursday evening. Day 3.
Just got back from... well had dinner and stuff, but recently got back from Mr Anderson's for my follow up, erm... and everything is going really, really, really well. He seemed very pleased with my progress and he's just said that there is a couple of bits of trauma in my eye at 3 o-clock and 11 o-clock, thats causing the bloodshot bits and there is some bruising. He was very surprised as to how un-inflamed my eye was. which is a positive sign. I seem to be coping with it pretty well.
He also mentioned that he was very pleased with the donor cornea, they managed to pair me with a cornea of similar age, so.... and he also said that the cornea was of an exceptional quality, it just sounds like everything is good. I said that the cornea is not directly on top of the pupil and he said that was normal, they would usually transplant the cornea as being slightly towards the nose, and slightly down because of the way that the eye works, thats the best place, thats where the vision comes through. and thats why he did that.
He mentioned that my eye is a little bit soft, it isn't fully inflated with fluid and he he wondered why that was as usually it's too high pressure. The usual reason is because there is a leak somewhere in the stitches but he had a really really good look and couldn't find anything. He had a good look on the inside of the eye as well, so i have now got a massive dialated pupil.
So everything sounds good and that it went as well as i could hope.
I have another apointment with him on monday, so i have decided to stay close to the hospital at my parents until then, Anna needs to go back to London tomorrow and i will see her again on monday, and go home back to London after the apointment.
Goodnight all.