Hello (Tom) Hello (Anna)
Anna thinks i have a wierd bump in my eye, and it's worrying me. Anna's been away for 2 and a half days doing my opera, has come back and tom is not taking it as easy as he should be i dont think?!I think i was taking it easy but, you know it's all relative. Hmmm! So I don't know.....
We are goimng to see Mr Anderson tomorrow morning so, we will have him look at the eye! I'm pretty sure it's ok, I can see better out of it than i have been able to. Not that its the defining factor really! If the edge is bulging out as you say then god knows? There is like some small bubbles around the rim of where the donor cornea is. Maybe it's just scar tissue? Are you supposed to be having any of that? Well it's gonna have to knit together somehow isnt it! Hmmm. Its not just.... I'm sure its fine, its probably not a big problem, it certainly wasn't there when i left you on friday! Ok.
Anyway... So i put his eye shield back on him.... She's Back!! (Laughs (thank god!))
Now i'm gonna tidy up the room. I love it. (Laughs) Ah i'm so much happier with her here it..sort of.. She calmly whips me into shape!..... And i listen to her. Cos i'v promised that i would! You do, you are doing good! Thank you. As long as i'm here to listen to. If im not here you take liberties! I think maybe you are right. I'v not been too bad. I think you've been bored too, bored out of your brain. Out of my brain (sung badly)
Right anything else you want to say to the memo?
Yep......Errrr......Errmmm.............. I havn't had a cup of tea today so; Anna, can i have a cup of tea please? Yes ok, i will make you a cup of tea, i want one as well!
Thats it, oh i spoke to everyone, i'm not sure i said this on yesterdays memo, but i spoke to lots of people on the phone to let them know i was doing ok and it was quite nice chatting to everyone and loads of the guys in london said for me to call back when i'm in london, and they will come and pop round. so i said that will be cool, we can play some cards and stuff and then i suddenly thought, i dont really know how that is going to work, i will have to ask them what cards i have which kinda defeats the point!
You should say that this is the 6th day since the operation. Yeah and i am picking at the stuff. Stop picking! The sticky stuff left on my face from the patch tape!
Yarp! Yarp!
Bye! Byebye!
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