Ooh Hello.
Its Monday morning. Monday the 20th.
Exactly 1 week since the operation and i had my 2nd check up with Mr Anderson today... well i suppose its the 3rd because i had the one on the day after the operation, but hey, whos counting!!
Erm..... Its all good news! Again. Which is good.
He is very happy with how it has continued to heal. The surface of my eye he thinks is healing nicely, its a lot.... its a smoother surface than it was before, erm... and i managed to read the first 2 lines of the chart unaided in my left eye!!!!! And i managed to read the 3rd line when i put the pinhole glasses on, erm... Very only just mind, i moved my head around and managed to make the letters out with the pinhole on.
But never the less i'm on the 2nd line.... within a week which is absolutely brilliant um.. I'm well pleased!
Everything else is good, we are just packing up to go back home to London, its sad to leave here but i am really looking forward to getting back to my own house, my own bed.... (anna gives a nasty look) Sorry, our own house, our own bed!
Oh, i have been given some minor scolding from Anna, sorry from Dr anderson via Anna, She brought it up in the checkup, that i certainly am not allowed to be walking up 2 steps at a time. stuff like that. and that, well he has basicly just said that er.. the initial healing period is the 1st 8 weeks so, its good because it gives me a timeframe in which i need to make sure that i am really carefull for at least the next 7 weeks from now.
My next appointment is booked for 2 weeks time, so will see Dr Anderson in 2 weeks and hopefully it will have got a lot better by then. It just so happens to coincide with the 1st day i am due back at work, Never mind!
Ok. speak again soon